Xen Summit Boston is rapidly approaching and the Program Committee is almost complete with topic selection. Topics from Xen development partners such as Intel, AMD, IBM, Citrix, etc will be presented alongside with research from universities such as Clarkson, India Institute of Technology, University of Toronto, Binghamton, University of Maryland, etc as well as customers using Xen in their enterprise solutions. Attendees from 10 countries are already signed up and ready to share their ideas for Xen going forward. The final agenda will be published later this week as we are confirming all speaker attendance right now.
Hotel registration deadlines for the USENIX rate are being extended until Friday as the room blocks are now spilling over into an adjacent hotel so be sure to register soon. More information on registration is at www.xen.org/xensummit.
I look forward to meeting with the Xen community later this month in Boston!