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Xen at Encuentro Linux 2008.

By October 21, 2008March 4th, 2019Announcements

The “Encuentro Linux” is, besides Open Community, one of the most important FLOSS event in Chile. This year, the “Encuentro Linux” will be held in Concepción, about 500 kilometers to the south of Santiago and Xen will be present.
Victor Hugo dos Santos will expose mainly about XenSource and his experience with this Citrix’s product in his job. The agenda for his presentation:

  1. Why Xen?
  2. Differences between Xen and other comerical/closed virtualization products.
  3. Differences between Open Source virtualization products.
  4. How to get Virtualization and not “Vitorization” (play on owrds with virtualization and Victor’s name).
  5. Xen’s install process and administratio, where Victor will demostrate a 20-minutes install

If you want to come, Victor’s presentation will be in the Auditorium located in the Faculty of Education on October 23th at 15.05.
But that’s not all! The “Encuentro Linux” will held a Xen demostration during the Open Day (October 22nd) in the afernoon in the community area. Boris Quiroz (that’s me) will be talking about Xen and its architecture, why to use Xen, giving examples of Xen utilization and, obviusly, answering their questions.
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