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Community Manager and Antarctica

By February 23, 2010March 4th, 2019Announcements

At SCALE this past weekend, I did a short interview with The The Bitsource is an online publication and research lab with a primary focus on IT operations and Web development. The Bitsource brings together best-in-class research, reviews, and most importantly; the people who make it happen.
From the interview…
I had the chance to speak with Stephen Spector of about his work on this exciting virtualization project. We spoke about the basics of Xen, Xen development, and Xen in Antarctica, which is one of the goals for the Xen Around the World project.
What does Xen do?
Xen is a collaboration between industry giants, universities, and hobbyists to provide an open source (GPLv2) hypervisor for server virtualization. The hypervisor provides a layer between the guest and the hardware allowing for multiple operating systems to be run on the same server.
Full  interview is here.
Finally, if you visit the BitSource home page and people page you will see that I am listed with such heavyweights as Mark Shuttleworth, Eric Hammond, Brian Behlendorf, Justin Erenkrantz, and Clem Cole. is moving up in the world to be listed with such groups as Apache, USENIX, Canonical, etc.