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Xen Summit 2020 Pivots to a Virtual Experience

By May 19, 2020Announcements, Events

In light of continued Covid-19 safety concerns, the 2020 XenProject Developer and Design Summit will now be held virtually on July 6-9.  As our in-person event shifts to a virtual one, we are taking careful consideration to ensure the Xen Summit will continue to be a great forum to learn, connect, and grow. 

Attendees will have the ability to network, attend presentations with live Q&A,  and hash out technical issues in design sessions  – all virtually, from anywhere. 

To best accommodate folks for an optimal virtual experience, we are making some scheduling changes and spreading the event across four days. This will also help time zone conflicts to optimize session attendance.

The Xen Project will also be running design sessions where attendees, in real time, can propose and vote on sessions at the summit.

In these problem-solving sessions with tangible outputs, attendees will vote which sessions they plan to attend during the event, making for a collaborative and tailored experience. Our design session scheduling tool will do automatic scheduling based on attendee input and minimize conflicts between attendees.

Design sessions can be submitted at any time, even during the event. To submit a design session, go to 

For a full list of submitted design sessions, go to 

Check out the event page for all details and we look forward to seeing you virtually in July!