Cloud Xen Project Update

Xen Community:
Since the announcement a few weeks back from on the creation of a new project, Xen Cloud Project or as I call it Cloud Xen, there have been some happenings in the background that I want to make everyone aware of.

  1. Meetings – There are two meetings being worked on for people interested in the Cloud Xen project: telephone conference call in late Sept/early October and a Cloud Xen meeting at Xen Summit Asia in late November.  The telephone conference call will be announced via this blog as well as on the main Cloud Xen page at in the next week or so. This meeting will allow people interested in the project to learn more about the community proposals as well as next steps. There will also be a Cloud Xen meeting at Xen Summit Asia for interested parties to further discuss strategies and next steps.
  2. Proposals – Citrix is currently finalizing a proposal to the community with details on how the newly opened source XAPI management tool-stack can be leveraged by cloud providers and other elements of the overall Cloud Xen solution. This proposal will be announced on this blog and at the main Cloud Xen page by the end of September. I am also awaiting status from other community members on their proposals and will make all information available to the community as I receive it. If you would like to make your thoughts public, please send me your ideas for posting.
  3. Source Code – The Citrix source code of XAPI will be made available before the end of this month; hopefully next week, as the legal review of the source code is almost complete. All source code trees will be properly detailed when the code is released. All other community members interested in releasing source of their solution for Cloud Xen can also contact me for release guidelines.

Building on the success of the Xen hypervisor, this new project will enable to reach further into the enterprise as our overall mission moves beyond the hypervisor to a complete virtualization platform for cloud computing providers. I look forward to joining with the community on this exciting new mission for our community!

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