One Week Before the XenSummit CFP closes

Just a quick reminder that, the CFP for XenSummit closes in a week and that all submissions must be received before midnight June 15, 2012 PDT.
Suggested topics include:

  • Latest developments and features in Xen and related projects
  • Developments in upstream projects that impact the Xen community
  • Proposals on how to evolve Xen and related projects in future
  • Research using Xen and related projects
  • Proof of concepts and other interesting technologies related to Xen
  • Other topics related to developing and using Xen
  • Technologies and technology trends that will impact Xen development in future
  • User experiences and case studies with Xen or XCP
  • Benchmarks, case studies, improvement suggestions and other lessons learned
  • Innovative ways of using Xen and related projects
  • Open source projects and products that interface or build on top of Xen or related projects
  • Usage of Xen in server virtualization, cloud computing, client virtualization, mobile spaces, etc.
  • Any other topics that you feel are relevant to developers, users, researchers and other members of the Xen community

We have 30, 45 and 60 minute talking slots (including questions). Please choose the type of session when you submit a proposal.

What Happens Next?

After the CFP Deadline, the XenSummit Program Management Committee will meet and select the talks which will make it into the program. This years PMC members are:

  • David Nalley (
  • Donald D Dugger (Intel)
  • Ian Campbell (Citrix)
  • Konrad Rzeszutek Wilk (Oracle)
  • Lars Kurth (

About XenSummit

XenSummit is the annual technical conference for Xen developers and users in North America. The conference provides a collaboration and education space for the Xen community and brings together a cross-section of the leading players in the Xen community, innovative and timely content and a wide variety of opportunities for attendee collaboration. This year, XenSummit is co-located with other industry events such as LinuxCon NA, Linux Plumbers Conference, Linux Kernel Summit, CloudOpen and others, which will maximise opportunities for cross-community collaboration.

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