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XenSummit, Linux Plumbers, LinuxCon & CloudOpen

As you all know, the Xen Developer Meeting, XenSummit, Linux Plumbers, LinuxCon and CloudOpen are all happening this week. We will be publishing slides and videos in the coming days: our developers and I are extremely busy at the moment. I will be uploading slides to slideshare and videos to

Disclosure process poll results

Monday we closed the poll for the security discussion. Thank you everyone who participated! The process has not turned up a hidden option that everyone agreed on; however, it has helped find what I hope will be a “median” option which best addresses the concerns and desires as the community

Xen on ARM with virtualisation extensions progress.

There’s been a lot of good progress in the Xen on ARM with virtualisation extensions port since I first blogged about it here. Thanks to some recent work, mainly by Stefano Stabellini, we are now able to start our first guest domain, including paravirtual console disk and network devices!

August Xen Test Day (Aug 14) and Xen Document Day (Aug 20)

Just a quick reminder that the first Xen Test Day is today, August 14th. The focus of the test day is to test Xen 4.2 RC2, in your environment with a special focus on XL (given that XEND is formally deprecated with Xen 4.2). It is an on-line

Xen 4.1.3 and 4.0.4 released
08/10/2012 is pleased to announce the release of Xen 4.0.4 and 4.1.3. These are available immediately from the download pages * Xen Hypervisor 4.1.3: Download (archives), Source (tag RELEASE-4.1.3) * Xen Hypervisor 4.0.4: Download (archives), Source (tag RELEASE-4.0.4) We

Xen 4.2 Releases

Cambridge, UK 8/9/2012 –, home of the open source Xen hypervisor, today announced the availability of Xen 4.2, the most advanced open source hypervisor software available. The release is the collective effort of a global development team representing many leading technology vendors, universities, and virtualization experts.

Archived Press Releases

Older Press Releases can be found at Go to Archive …

First Xen Test Day, August 14th

After the success of Xen Document Days and with Xen 4.2 being close to release, we decided to trial Xen test Days. The first Xen Test Day will be on Tuesday, August 14th, on IRC freenode channel #xentest. The plan is to test Xen 4.2 RC2, whic h

Security discussion poll

As promised, here is the poll for the security discussion. As a reminder, the purpose of this poll is mainly to see where people’s attitudes are with respect to the various options, so that we can move the discussion forward towards a conclusion. If you have any interested at

3 weeks to XenSummit

It is time again for the XenSummit North America, which will start in 3 weeks. This year, XenSummit is conveniently co-located with CloudOpen and LinuxCon. If you use open source Xen, Huawei UVP, Oracle VM, XenServer, XenClient or other Xen derived products and want to see where the Xen open

Linux PV Guest Performance Improvements

The Xen community achieved a major milestone last summer when all the necessary components for Xen dom0 support made it into the upstream kernel for the 3.0 release. However, during that process developers were focused on functionality, and not on performance. As a result a handful of performance regressions

Xen 4.2 Release Plan Update: Xen 4.2.0-rc1 released

Last week we finally crossed the last major remaining issues off the Xen 4.2 TODO list. This means that the release plan now looks like this: * 19 March — TODO list locked down * 2 April — Feature Freeze * 30 July — First release candidate WE ARE HERE * Weekly â€