It has been a while since we held the Xen Project Developer Summit. All slides have been posted on our slideshare channel (prefixed with XPDS14) and are also available on youtube. Slides and videos are also available on the presentation & video page of our website (again, just search for
Xen Project Developer Summit Videos and Slides
Cambridge University 800th Anniversary
As the Xen hypervisor comes from Cambridge University, I thought this blog posting on the history of Cambridge was interesting: Worth noting that it lists some famous people from Cambridge but doesn’t include Ian Pratt – How could that be?
History of Xen - Architecture
As I continue to learn more about Xen, I find it interesting to read old documents that show the transformation of Xen from a research project at Cambridge University to the current leading open source hypervisor technology. A great link form Cambridge University is available with a collection of documents