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Announcements (page 27)

XCP Tutorial - Installing Windows PV Drivers

In my continuing series of XCP tutorials, I am focusing today on the installation of PV Drivers on your Windows Guest. In my last tutorial, I reviewed the steps in installing a Windows 7 guest on XCP, see here. STEP 1 – Have your Windows Guest up and running and visible

XCP Tutorial - Network Connections for a Guest

I noticed that my past two guests (Oracle VM and Windows 7 VM) were both unable to connect to the Internet once I had them installed. Here are the steps I took to correct the problem on OpenXenCenter and get Internet connectivity working on my XCP guests. 1) For your

XCP Tutorial - Creation of a Windows 7 Guest

I am back with more tutorials on Xen Cloud Platform (XCP); this time with instructions on creating and starting a new Windows 7 guest from a CD. NOTE – I am running the Windows 7 guest as HVM and have not tried to load the Windows PV Drivers that come with Weekly Newsletter Vol 9 No 11

Welcome to the new weekly newsletter with a variety of information to keep you updated on all things Xen. This newsletter is an upgrade from my previous weekly communications and is meant to offer a broader scope of activities. Please feel free to contact me with in Google Summer of Code 2010

I am pleased to announce that has been accepted as a mentor organization into Google Summer of Code 2010. You can get all the information on Google Summer of Code at Please contact me if you have any questions.

Announcing 2 new Xen Directions Events in 2010
03/18/2010 is expanding our events in 2010 with two new events: * Xen Directions South America – In conjunction with a soon to be announced Linux Foundation event in Sao Paulo, Brazil on August 31 – September 1. * Xen Directions North America – In conjunction with LinuxCon 2010 in Boston, MA we will

Xen Summit NA at AMD Registration Open

I have activated the Xen Summit at AMD event registration site at for next month’s Xen Summit in Sunnyvale, CA from April 28-29, 2010. The event cost is $235 which includes food and snacks on both days during the sessions, an evening

Xen Community Overview in Korean

Thanks to Heechul Kim for translating the Community Overview into Korean. The document is here.

Python Migration Utility for xend Virtual Machines to XCP

A new python based migration utility for migrating your xend virtual machines to XCP  is now available at: It can generate XVAs from your xend based HVM and paravirtualised virtual machines. It can also steam your VM directly to a XenServer/XCP

Xen Cloud Platform (XCP) Repositories Available on xen-unstable

From Vincent Hanquez on xen-devel: I’m please to announce the availability of repositories [1,2] for the xen cloud platform tools [3] on xen-unstable. The goal of these repositories is to make compilation of the XCP platform toolstack: * “easier” than in the current form. * available with bleeding edge

Xen Cloud Platform (XCP) Project Suggestions Site

From Dave Scott: I’ve collected together a bunch of XCP-related project suggestions and stuck them on the xen wiki: The main idea is that new people who want to work on XCP can use this list for inspiration… each idea has