From Keir — The first release candidate for Xen 3.4.3 is tagged at: (tag ‘3.4.3-rc1’) Please test
Announcements (page 33)
The latest version of the slide overview in English is here.  The slides are primarily filled with images but there is some English currently on most of the slides that I would like to get translated. My goal is to have a common slide deck in
The Xen Users Commonly Asked Questions Guide is now available with updates from the December 2009 questions in xen-users. Feel free to use this document as a starting point for questions you have on Xen and also let me know if you have a question/answer pair that you would
Remember to add Xen Summit North America at AMD on April 21-22, 2010 to your business calendars. I am now actively planning the event with Program Committee formation occurring later this month and topic/speaker submission starting in early February.
This summer, Citrix Systems will be running three-month research internships at its Cambridge office. This is an opportunity for graduate students who want to work on Xen to share an office with some of the core developers of the Xen hypervisor and the Xen Cloud Platform. If you would
From Keir: The first release candidate for Xen 4.0.0 has been tagged and published. You can grab it from here: (tagged ‘4.0.0-rc1’) Please test it!
Here are the latest results of the Survey: 59 Votes Submitted 45 Votes YES (80%) 14 Votes NO (19%) If you haven’t voted, please do soon as I plan to finalize the votes later this week.
While in China at Xen Summit Asia last year, I was asked by several people why the community doesn’t have a mascot like other open source projects. I discussed this idea with several people and even have some ideas for a mascot; however, I would like to
As I did in early 2009, I am posting my community manager goals for 2010 to give everyone a better sense of my priorities for the year relating to Of course, the basics of running the community are always a priority but I try and focus my additional
The community is hosting a booth at Southern California Linux Expo (SCALE) from February 19-21, 2010. If you are interested in attending this event and helping out at the booth, I have passes! As I did at CloudWorld last year, you are free to promote your solution at
From Keir: I plan to tag -rc1 later this week. If you have any outstanding patches, please send them to the list now.
“Cloud Computing the Xen Way” – I have published a short article in the January edition of Latinux Magazine The article focuses on the newly launched Xen Cloud Platform project within the community. I encourage everyone to check out this article and help support Latinux Magazine which is based