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Announcements (page 36)

USB Supported Device Page on Xen Wiki

Xen Community: At the recent Xen Summit Asia event Noboru Iwamatsu from Fujitsu listed a collection of USB devices that he has tested with Xen for USB Pasthru. To assist everyone in the community in finding previously tested devices, I have created a new page on the Wiki

Call for papers - Second Workshop on I/O Virtualization (WIOV '10)

Over the last decade the use of virtualization technology has grown rapidly. Moreover, it is being used in a variety of places, ranging from the data center to the desktop. Although this has spurred great advances in processor and memory virtualization in commodity hardware and virtualization software, I/O virtualization

Xen Summit Asia 2009 Overview

I have successfully navigated my way home from Shanghai, China and have lots to tell about the amazing Xen Summit Asia event at Intel. To help you get a feel for the size of the crowd here is a short clip of people waiting to complete their registration: This was

Ian Pratt Introduces New Xen Advisory Board Members

At Xen Summit Asia Ian Pratt announced two new members of the Xen Advisory Board – Fujitsu and VA Linux Systems Japan K.K. Here is a short clip of Ian making that announcement: Xen Summit Asia- Xen Advisory Board Announcement from xencom_mgr on Vimeo.

Fujitsu and VA Linux Systems Japan K.K Join Xen Advisory Board

The Xen community is pleased to announce the addition of Fujitsu and VA Linux Systems Japan  K.K. to the Xen Advisory Board. Fujitsu and VA Linux Systems joins other leading enterprise vendors to offer expertise and leadership to promote the Xen hypervisor as the industry standard in open source

Slashdot Post on Project Remus and Xen

There is an article on Slasdot on the Project Remus – Xen announcement with an interesting discussion in the comments field; enjoy at attending SCALE 2010

The community is confirmed for a booth and possible presentation at SCALE 2010 – Southern California Linux Expo in LA from February 19-21 at the Westin LAX hotel. More information from this event early next year but if you are in the area or considering attending, please let me

New Tutorials and Demonstration Page

With all the great videos and tutorials being created by Mr. Teo En Ming I have decided to create a new page on with a list of videos and tutorials – The current videos are all Xen Hypervisor related but I am

Project XVP

From Ewan Mellor on Citrix Community Blog: One of the most common requests from XenServer customers is for a web interface, so that they can manage their VMs from a browser. I’m pleased to say that I’ve found one! It’s called xvp, and has been developed by

Libxenlight Released

From xen-devel: I am pleased to announce “libxenlight”, a new small and lightweight C library that refactors existing code in a coherent and easy to use API to interface to the hypervisor and xenstore to perform operations such as domain creation and destruction, suspend/restore and pci passthrough. The goals

Project Remus 0.9 Released

From xen-devel: It’s my pleasure to announce the release of Remus 0.9! Remus provides comprehensive fault tolerance for Xen virtual machines. If the physical machine hosting your VM fails, the backup can take over instantly, as if you had migrated it to the backup at the instant before