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Announcements (page 39)

Presenting Xen at Jornadas Regionales de Software Libre

Next week, from October 7th to 9th, will take place in Santiago of Chile, the 9th version of one of the biggest FLOSS related event in South America: Jornadas Regionales de Software Libre. In this opportunity will present two talks concerned with Xen. In the first one, on Wednesday, Erika Weekly Summary - Sept 25, 2009

Time again for the weekly community update: •    Xen Summit Asia 2009 – 50% Sold Out! – • Online Support Forum Trial – • Â

2009开源虚拟技术大会上海 中国本土参会者免费注册

2009 年的开源虚拟技术大会将第一次在中国召开。 到今天为止门票仅剩50%。 机会难得,感兴趣的话,请勿错过。 活动æ—

Are you Promoting Your Xen Solutions?

The community currently has three locations for open source & proprietary solutions as well as consulting and hosting organizations to promote their offerings. Is your company or solution listed on these sites? If not, please contact me for next steps. Solution Search Tool – Xen.

Xen Summit Asia - Registration Passes 50%

Xen Community: As you are all aware, Xen Summit Asia 2009 in Shanghai, China at Intel on November 19-20 is currently open for registration. What you may not know is that we only have 150 slots for the event based on the size of the facility and we are already and the Saga of the PVOps Dom0 Kernel

A new legend is growing within the community on the PVOps Dom0 Kernel and its current mysterious status. In fact, this kernel is becoming so famous that I receive emails weekly from the community to learn more about its whereabouts. So what is the story? The short answer Online Support Forum - Trial Underway

Currently, the community supports members via online mailing lists which are all listed at and are stored in an easy to search online tool –  However, many members have asked me about having an online discussion forum as well to

Xen Orchestra Project

I wanted to promote a Xen management solution that I have recently become aware of – Xen Orchestra Project. The main project site is at with the project being led by Olivier Lambert and Julien Fontanet. I encourage everyone to take a look and feel free to

Xen Summit Asia Topics - Here is What We are Thinking

The topics for the Xen Summit Asia event in late November are starting to come together and I wanted to share them with everyone. Here are some ideas being considered: * XCI – Update on the Xen Client Initiative project and demos * Cloud Xen – Update on the newest project, Cloud

Cloud Xen Project Update

Xen Community: Since the announcement a few weeks back from on the creation of a new project, Xen Cloud Project or as I call it Cloud Xen, there have been some happenings in the background that I want to make everyone aware of. 1. Meetings – There are two

Citrix joins Linux Foundation

From the Linux Foundation – Virtualization Leader Citrix Joins The Linux Foundation Citrix Uses Linux to Develop Virtualization and SaaS Solutions for Fortune 500 Companies and Small Businesses Worldwide SAN FRANCISCO, CA — (Marketwire) — 09/17/09 — The Linux Foundation (LF), the nonprofit organization dedicated to

Simon Crosby on Virtualization and OS Vendors

Thought you might like to read this thread from Simon Crosby… Whither the Venerable OS? Virtualization challenges many established IT “truths” from the heyday of x86 scale-out. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the identity crisis facing the major OS vendors in the context of virtualization. VMware’s (initial