There has been some recent blog discussions about the next feature set for the community hypervisor. The feature list at is a collection of “wants” gathered from the general community and is not a definitive roadmap. The Xen hypervisor developers monitor
Announcements (page 42)
XCI Developers: For those of you working on the XCI project (“Xen Client Initiative”); I have created a new mailing list for developers to work from: Registration for this new mailing list is at NOTE: I have
I have taken the last 4 weeks of xen-users questions and added some of them to the always growing Xen Users Commonly Asked Questions Guide. As always, feel free to send me new items for the guide and don’t forget to tell your friends about it; much quicker
Over the last few months, I have been posting a weekly update of the community in the Xen Wiki at These weekly updates contain the following information: * Events Information * Xen Projects Information * Xen Wiki Updates * Xen Blog Highlights * Xen-Devel Mailing List- categorized
From time to time, I plan to post items from the xen-devel mailing list that I think may be of interest to a wider audience. The complete threaded discussion in xen-devel to this email is found at From James Harper: I have just uploaded a
Fear not community, I am taking my first ever trip to South America in late October to speak on the project at Latinoware ( The event is October 22-24 and if you can read Portuguese the site is ready for you! If you
I you have a topic for Xen Summit Asia, please feel free to submit it via the new online tool at This new tool will automatically submit your topic to the entire program committee for review. Looking forward to a great Xen Summit Asia in November.
The interview with Jeremy Fitzhardinge is finally complete and ready for viewing. This 18 minute discussion gives a great overview of the pv-ops Dom0 kernel and Linux upstream issue. Jeremy also does a nice job suggesting some new projects to work on for Enjoy. Untitled from xencom_mgr
Attention all Xen Community Members – The Xen Summit Asia 2009 Topic Submission online system is now available for your use. The system will be available until November 10, 2009 at which time all submissions must be made; however we encourage early submissions as the Program Committee will be reviewing topics
Xen Community: The Xen Summit Asia Program Committee is formed and ready to begin review on all submitted topics for Xen Summit Asia at Intel in China (Nov 19-20, 2009). I will be announcing the new online topic submission system shortly; in the meantime, here are the members of the
I recently got a few requests for new project ideas; here is a short list of some options that Ian Pratt thought might be interesting: 1. Xen will soon be including the openflow vswitch developed under the project. In order to integrate support for SR-IOV network hardware, we
Here is a rare treat, your community manager caught actually working… Thanks again to Heechul Kim for assisting with the booth last week. He is in the picture with me just before leaving the conference.