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Announcements (page 45)

New Site for Review

Xen Community: As many of you know, the current website requires a great deal of work to keep updated as it consists of a series of html text files. Last year, I worked with several community members to create a better layout within the existing structure to

Release Candidates 3.3.2 and 3.4.1

From Keir: New release candidates are tagged: tagged 3.3.2-rc3 tagged 3.4.1-rc4 Please test! I hope to release later this week.

New development release of EmbeddedXEN

From xen-devel mailing list, The EmbeddedXEN project aims at building a single multi-kernel binary image that can be used on ARM platform with hard realtime applications. Currently, a full integration of the hypervisor, miniOS and Linux kernel has been achieved. However, only miniOS is running as guest OS for the Listed on Enterprise Open Source Directory

The community and its associated product – Xen hypervisor is now listed on the Enterprise Open Source Directory. The Xen home page contains information on the product as well as ratings, case studies, etc. I will work with the EOS team to add content to this site.

Xen Configuration File Options

I am working on a new Xen Configuration Settings file to list all the possible options for a config file. Please take a look and let me know what items I missed or help filling in the blanks. Thanks. xen-configuration-details.pdf

Xen 3.4 Source Code Overview

Xen Community: I often see requests from various people for information on where certain features are located within the Xen source code. To assist those people, I have been working on (and still am) a Xen Source Code Guide for the newly released Xen 3.4 source code. I expect Project Mission

Like any organization the project has a mission statement. For those of you who have never seen it, I thought I would share it today. I am planning to add it to the website and thought a little extra promotion via the blog would be useful.

Xen Development Tree (Linux Version) Update

The Xen Community has completed a discussion around the selection of the proper tree for future development activities; from Keir Fraser on June 4th  (full thread)… With 3.4 out the door it is time to revisit the state of our Linux repositories. Currently we have a number of trees

Xen Support Updates

For those of you looking for more assistance with a particular Domain0 or DomainU guest operating system, I have created a new document that lists the OS and links to support sites. I have also added a new link on the Support pages to the Pre-Built DomU sites

New Merchandise Store Available

Xen Community: The merchandise store is now available at for your Xen shirts, hats, jackets, dog bowls, etc. The store is set at CafePress cost so any items you order are paid directly to CafePress to cover their printing and shipping costs. and Linux Kernel Update

There has been a great deal of developer discussion lately around the proposed patches to extend the Linux kernel’s existing Xen support to include control domain capabilities (loosely known as “the dom0 patches”). These discussions are generating a great deal of interest in Xen and Linux so I thought

Release Candidate Xen 3.4.1

From Keir on xen-devel: The first release candidate for Xen 3.4.1 is tagged as 3.4.1-rc1 at Quite a few important fixes have been made since 3.4.0. Please test and let’s get this one out quickly!