Xen Directions Europe 2009 is the first “techno-marketing” event for Xen.org presenting the Xen hypervisor and the products/solutions based on it as well as give university researchers a chance to show how Xen is being leveraged. This event is being co-located at the LinuxTAG conference in Berlin, Germany
Announcements (page 47)
Thanks to Henning Sprang for the German translation: http://www.xen.org/files/Marketing/XenOverview_Q22009_ger.pdf
Xen.org is pleased to announce the latest release of the Xen hypervisor, the open source industry standard for virtualization. Xen.org is a global community of independent and industry developers, university researchers, users, and virtualization gurus who regularly contribute to the shared design, development, support, and improvement of the
It’s Friday – time flys in Xen world. Highlights: • Xen.org Community Survey – https://citrix.websurveyor.net/wsb.dll/s/92g666 • Check out the new and improved Community Blog Site – http://xenproject.lfprojects.linuxfoundation.org • Xen Directions Europe 2009 at LinuxTag – June 27, 2009 in
From Sang-bum at Samsung – I am happy to announce that a patch for a new emulator platform Goldfish (QEMU 0.82 based Android emulator) is released at wiki.xensource.com/xenwiki/XenARM.
Xen Community: I joined the TWINE network (www.twine.com) and have signed up for an existing Xen Hypervisor Twine which I have begun loading with content. The TWINE system works best when lots of people join and add information in real-time to the system. If you have any quetsions,
Xen Community: I have created a short survey (only take about 5 to 10 minutes to take) to gather feedback on the current set of tools available for Xen.org community members as well as determine the next set of tools that the community is looking for. The survey does
Xen Community: I have reviewed the past three months of xen-users emails and tried to create a document that has some common questions that were repeated or seemed very useful based on my review. Please feel free to add more questions/answers to this document or let me know if
Xen Community: I recently had a chance to interview Bryan Muthig, CEO of A2 Hosting, Inc. who has graciously agreed to support the Xen.org community with a hosted Xen VM for a variety of community needs. Highlights of the interview are detailed below…. Q -Â Tell me some basic
Xen Blog Readers who use RSS: For those of you like myself who read your blog updates via RSS, I would like to invite you to come back to the blog.xen.org webpage to look at the new format and provide feedback on items you would like added or
Ian Pratt recently was on stage during the keynote sessions at Citrix Synergy showing the current implementation of the Type 1 Xen client hypervisor running on a PC and Mac. He did the demonstrations with Patrick Gelsinger from Intel. The complete 45 minute Intel presentation is at http://www.citrix.
From xen-devel mailing list and Sang-bum from Samsung (http://markmail.org/thread/q5h6hpoplfwf6xjs): I am happy to announce that I have updated source codes for the XenARM project. Sorry for the delay, behind the release plan that I presented at Xen Summit Japan November 2008. Please have a look at