I’ve gone SlideShare crazy…. Xen.org Community SlideShare Site –http://www.slideshare.net/group/xenorg-hypervisor Xen.org Xen Summit Boston 2008 Slides – http://www.slideshare.net/event/xen-summit-na-at-boston-2008 Xen.org Xen Summit Fujitsu 2008 Slides –http://www.slideshare.net/event/xen-summit-asia-at-fujitsu-2008 Xen.org Xen Summit Oracle 2009 Slides – http:
Announcements (page 48)
Community: I have started working on a draft of the document and wanted to share it with everyone for immediate feedback. Is this what you were thinking of? If not, let me know. It took all afternoon to put this together and I want to see if the community wants
For those of you looking for presentations on the open source Xen.org hypervisor, I have created a new group on the SlideShare site for people to share and post their presentations. Feel free to add your content. I will start posting some presentations from previous Xen Summits shortly… Link
Xen Community: Over the past 3 months I have been creating weekly summaries of the xen-users and xen-devel mailing lists in my Xen.org Weekly Summary posts at http://wiki.xensource.com/xenwiki/XenWeekly. Several community members encouraged me to track the information to assist them in navigating the long
Xen Community: The Xen.org community is currently very active in the use of mailing lists for communication amongst developers, users, testers, etc. I have created a searchable repository of all emails sent via the MarkMail system at xen.markmail.org for everyone to leverage when looking for specific information.
The third release candidate for Xen 3.4.0 is available at http://xenbits.xensource.com/xen-unstable.hg, tagged as ‘3.4.0-rc3’. Please test! Hopefully we are close to final release now.
When it comes to open source communities, most people think of contributing via software development, product testing, and online support. While all these areas are critically important to the community, there are other ways that people can contribute. In this blog post, I would like to list some
Thoughts on Oracle buying Sun and Xen community – http://www.convirture.com/blog/2009/general/oracle-sun-and-open-source-virtualization/
Xen Community: The next XCI project meeting is tomorrow at 1:30 pm EST. I will be taking minutes of this meeting and posting at http://wiki.xensource.com/xenwiki/Working_Group_Core_Hypervisor. Agenda * Experiences with the http://xenbits.xen.org/xenclient build * PV USB implementations and API * Open
Continuing my testing of the new HXEN project… The current version of HXEN is focused on bringing up Windows guests (Vista & Windows 7); however, I wanted to see what happens if I bring up Linux guests. If anyone is also running Linux guests, I would like to get your
The USENIX Annual Tech Conference 2009 is scheduled for June 14-19, 2009 in San Diego, CA. Both Wenjin Hu and Zach Shepard from Clarkson University who ran the Xen Hypervisor tutorials at LISA 2008 will be running the Virtualization Tutorials at this event with a focus on open source Xen.
I received an invitation today for someone from the community to speak at First Software Freedom Conference of Kosova. The event appears to be August 29th based on the email I received; however the website doesn’t appear to have that date – based on my review. If you are local