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Announcements (page 61)

New Case Study: Pivot3

Pivot3 recently won the LinuxWorld Product Excellence Award For Best Virtualization Solution. A new case study on their solution built on open source Xen is now available at

Xen FIT Survey Results

Thanks for your responses on the Xen FIT Survey published recently. I am posting the results of the survey so everyone can see what the final opinions were. fit-survey-results.pdf

Xen security research results presented

Joana Rutkowska and her team presented very interesting insights on Xen security, as well as attacks against it, at this years Black Hat conference in Las Vegas. In a trilogy of talks(“Xen 0wning trilogy”), they gave information about “Subverting the Xen Hypervisor”, “Detecting and preventing the Xen hypervisor subversions”

New Project: Ganeti

We have added a new project to the projects page: Ganeti Ganeti is a tool for the management of Virtualization clusters. It offers very easy management of systems with multiple virtualization servers and deployment of instances on these. It includes user-transparent setup of mirrored disks for these nodes with DRBD,

XenAccess Projects Gets Wider Promotion

Just ran across a nice posting on the Georgia Tech project on Matt Asay’ “The Open Road” Blog. More info on this project on my previous blog posting at

Xen Training at LISA 08

The Clarkson University team is once again leading the efforts for a full day of Xen training at Lisa 2008; full profile of the training is here: Lisa event home page at

IBM Announces Open-OVF Project

Announcing the open-ovf project and source code availibility. Hi folks, we are announcing the availibility of source code for the open-ovf project. OVF is a standard packaging format for virtual machines and software appliances. The open-ovf project is seeking contributors and users to help establish OVF as a transparent and

Xen Documentation Assistance Update

I have created a new page on the Xen Wiki where anyone wishing to post change requests to the Xen Documentation can do so: If anyone makes any of these changes, please update the Wiki so people know what has been completed and

Xen Documentation Assistance

I often receive emails asking about the documentation for Xen and wanting to see an upgrade, etc. The latest documentation that I am aware of is at this page: The Xen 3.0 documentation is out of date, as I often get told, and

Brandeis University Case Study Published

Brandeis University has been leveraging Xen for the deployment of their PeopleSoft applications. Read about their solution in the newest Case Study at