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Xen Project Announces Schedule for its Annual Developer and Design Summit

Today, we are excited to announce the program and speakers for the Xen Project Developer and Design Summit. The summit brings together developers, engineers, and Xen Project power users for in-person collaboration and educational presentations. The event will take place in Nanjing Jiangning, China from June 20 -22, 2018. This

Improvements to Xen Documentation

Generated Xen Documentation As you may remember from the last two Xen Documentation Days, we looked at creating Xen documentation from source. This has now been implemented and * Xen Manual Pages * Auxiliary Pages to Man Pages * API and Protocol Documentation are available from the website as well as

Xen Documentation Assistance Update

I have created a new page on the Xen Wiki where anyone wishing to post change requests to the Xen Documentation can do so: If anyone makes any of these changes, please update the Wiki so people know what has been completed and

Xen Documentation Assistance

I often receive emails asking about the documentation for Xen and wanting to see an upgrade, etc. The latest documentation that I am aware of is at this page: The Xen 3.0 documentation is out of date, as I often get told, and