I have recently added a new blog to the Xen.org blogroll and thought I would make everyone aware of the various blogs that are linked from the Xen.org blog. Ian Blenke Xen – http://ian.blenke.com/xen/ John Levon (Sun) on Xen – http://blogs.sun.com/levon/ Kris
networking (page 10)
The Xen.org community is currently working on several projects that don’t receive much attention but are critical to the overall success of the Xen hypervisor solution. For example, the Xen ARM project being led by Samsung continues to develop a Xen hypervisor solution for the ARM 9 processor
Time again for the weekly update: •   Xen Summit Asia 2009 o   Attendee Registration Available – https://xenproject.org/index.php/2009/09/09/xen-summit-asia-2009-registration-site-live/ o   Topic Submission System Live – http://xensummit.org •   Xen Summit North America 2010 â€
By Atsushi Nakada http://itpro.nikkeibp.co.jp/article/NEWS/20090904/336585/ (Japanese Text Below English Text) “Xen Cloud Platform is open source software to combat VMware’s vCloud. It forms a bridge between clouds inside and outside a business,†said Mark Templeton, President & CEO of Citrix
Xen Community: AMD and the Xen.org community are currently planning the next Xen Summit North America for April 21 – 22, 2010 in the Bay Area at AMD’s facilities. The event is being planned for Wed-Thurs to allow people to travel home on Friday instead of a Saturday. Before
The Xen Summit Asia 2009 Registration Sites are now live and ready for attendees to sign up. We are supporting 2 sites for this event – Chinese Registration (Chinese) and International Registration (English). All Chinese attendees should register at http://xen.linuxpk.com/ and all International attendees should sign up at
The Xen Summit Asia program committee is looking for you; yes you. Topic submissions for the event are now open for submission at http:://xensummit.org. Be the first on your block to submit your topic for inclusion in this exciting event at Intel’s R&D facility in
Congrats to Doug Lane for this great shot of a Citrix employee at VMWorld with the infamous “You Can’t Lock Xen in a 10×10” shirt. Doug will win the item of his choice (up to $20) from the Xen.org Store at http://www.cafepress.com/xen_org.
Today xen.org announced a significant expansion of its charter – the Xen Cloud Platform – with support from the key Xen contributors and project advisory board members, the Linux Foundation and some of the Industry’s largest enterprise cloud providers. The new initiative will unite the Xen community in the delivery
Introduction of Xen Cloud Platform Will Accelerate Customer Adoption of Open Enterprise-Class Cloud Infrastructures SAN FRANCISCO » 8/31/2009 » Xen.org, the home of the open source Xen hypervisor, today formally announced the Xen® Cloud Platform (XCP) initiative – a powerful new community-led effort to build on the
Attention all Xen Community Members – The Xen Summit Asia 2009 Topic Submission online system is now available for your use. The system will be available until November 10, 2009 at which time all submissions must be made; however we encourage early submissions as the Program Committee will be reviewing topics
Xen Summit Asia is currently scheduled for November 19-20, 2009 at Intel’s R&D Facility in Shanghai, China and is sponsored by both Intel and Citrix China. The first step in the process of putting the event together is the creation of a Program Committee. The Xen Summit