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Xen Goes Italian!

Thanks to a community member in Italy who just made available the Xen Wiki in Italian as well as a new forum: Xen Italia – Wiki XEN Italia Forum Brochure Available in Japanese

Thanks to the team at Fujitsu, we now have the Brochure available in Japanese for community leverage –

You Tube Videos on Xen Virtualization

I have setup a new link on several places in to a RSS feed from YouTube of “Xen Virtualization” videos. The RSS feed will always pull the latest videos and I am working on expanding the feed’s capabilities to improve the options on the video  landing page.

New Xen Book in Chinese - System Virtualization – Theory & Implementation

From the Intel R&D team in Shanghai, comes a new Xen book called System Virtualization – Theory & Implementation (in Chinese). Purchase here

Linux Magazine Brazil Article on Xen & Citrix

Simon Crosby, CTO of Citrix Virtualization Division and I did an interview with Linux Magazine Brazil. The final article is at The article is in Portuguese but translates fairly well with online tools. Brochure Available

The new Xen Champions community and I have been working on a new 2 Page brochure that can be used at events, meetings, etc where you want to have a handout about the community and technology. The attached pdf is the final result of that work; however, community

Training Videos for Xen Community

During my daily xen mailing list review and tracking ( I have noticed that many people are having problems with compiling or launching domains that are usually similar in nature. I also had a conversation yesterday with some people about using open

Citrix Project Satori Announced

Citrix Project Satori is the result of a collaborative agreement between XenSource and Microsoft, and was carried forward after XenSource was acquired by Citrix Systems. The base Satori components are released by Microsoft as the Linux Integration Components for Hyper-V, and provide support for paravirtualized XenLinux guests running on Hyper-V.

Save the Date for Future Xen Summit

Xen Community: The 2nd Xen Summit Asia event is now set in Shanghai, China on November 19-20, 2009 at the Intel R&D facility. Please mark your calendars now so you can keep the possibility of attending open. We are early in the planning phase but stay tuned for

Twitter Account Up and Running

I have a twitter account up and running – xen_com_mgr. I will be posting information about open source virutalization, Xen. and other informaiton I find relevant to the community. To follow me, please go to as I can’t seem to find a link directly

Community Member Highlight - Meet Todd Deshane

Xen Community: If you don’t already know Todd Deshane and the work he and his colleagues have done at Clarkson University for the Xen project, take the time to check out his profile at Todd is very active in the community