A new community led project within Xen.org, the Xen Introspection Project, is being officially launched today. The purpose of the Xen Introspection Project is to design an API for performing VM introspection and implement the necessary functionality into Xen. It is anticipated that the project will include the following
xen 4.7.1 (page 2)
NEW: Xen Introspection Project Launching...
Xen Wiki Policy Change
Xen Community: In an effort to clean up a large amount of spam attacks on the Xen Wiki, we have decided to create a special editors only file for the wiki. In order to edit within the Wiki, you will need to email me your Xen Wiki user name and
Xen Summit Topic Postings
The Program Committee for Xen Summit Boston has almost completed the creation of the event agenda and it should be available for public consumption tomorrow afternoon (EST). As there was a limited number of speaking slots available, several interesting and worthwhile topics had to be rejected for the event. To