Xen Logo and Mascot download page

Because of popular demand we have made available images and vector graphics of the Xen mascot, related images and templates. You can download images from the new logos page on xen.org under a creative commons license. The intention is that members in the Xen community can use the images for personal use, but also for commercial use as long as the images are used in relation to Xen and Xen.org. I also wanted to invite the creative members of our community to build and play with the imagery and let me know if you do. If you want to share, I will be happy to add your designs the mascot and image page on xen.org.
Further website changes
Over the coming weeks, I will also roll out some website changes. Initially the changes will be mainly around the navigation of the website and I will be consolidating some of the content. The aim of the first set of changes is to make resources that are of relevance for Xen developers and Xen users more easily accessible. Later in the year, the site will be moved to new servers. This may involve some downtime: I will let you know 4 weeks in advance when what is affected.

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Xen Project 4.20: A Step Forward in Open Source Virtualization

The Xen Project has released Xen 4.20 🎉! This release introduces a range of enhancements that further solidify its position as the premier open-source hypervisor. It delivers important security updates, improved performance, and broader hardware support. Xen has doubled down as the best choice for cloud providers, enterprise users, and

Xen Project Winter Meetup

We just wrapped up the Xen Winter Meetup 2025. It was an amazing opportunity to push Xen forward in a way that can only happen when people get together in person. Organized by Vates, we hosted it at the University of Grenoble IMAG building, a great spot for cutting-edge research

Welcome Honda to the Xen Project Board

We're excited to announce our newest Advisory Board Member Honda, to Xen Project. Since its foundation, Honda has been committed to "creating a society that is useful to people" by utilizing its technologies and ideas. Honda also focuses on environmental responsiveness and traffic safety, and continue

Say hello to our new website

Hello Xen Community, You may have noticed something different... We've refreshed our existing website! Why did we do this? Well, all these new changes are part of an ongoing effort to increase our visibility and make it easier to find information on pages. We know how important it