Xen.org Mascot Contest - Time to Vote

I have received many great ideas for the Xen Community Mascot and am ready to release the ideas to the community for a vote. Please look over these ideas and select your top 3.  I will keep the voting open for 2 weeks (Feb 17) and will create the final 3 mascot ideas for development.
NOTE: I don’t have visual images made yet so select based on the idea and we can create image samples for the top 3 and final vote.
How to vote:

  • Simply put your three favorite ideas from the list below in the comments section (e.g. 12, 1, 4)
  • Email me your top three favorites

Contest Entries:

  1. A Bonsai tree – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bonsai
  2. Meerkat – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meerkat
  3. Ninja
  4. A representation that would suggest here is where silicon meets the software (to get the point through that we are type 1).  A near transparent stretchable silicon chip in the background with the letters ‘x’ ‘e’ ‘n’ etched on it in hex, binary or just as printed chars or all in repeated pattern and possibly the shape of the mascot designed to suggest security is implied (like a lock or something more next generational) and possibly a subtle introduction of shade green to suggest power saving features are built-in…
  5. zen penguin.
    Take the enclosed monk picture and replace the man with a penguin.  I especially like the hat and hand gesture. See image below:
  6. When I think about a mascot, I associate the idea of xen two images: the Casper, the friendly ghost  (because of virtualization) and an animal, maybe a panda, in the lotus position, because of the pronunciation in Portuguese “zen “.
    Perhaps a combination of two ideas be interesting, for example, a panda in the lotus position with a transparent projection hovering above your head.
  7. Turtle with 4 elephants on it
  8. My idea is to have an animal with the first letter is an “X” which make it directly link to Xen 🙂
  9. Xyphophore (Latin name : xiphophorus_hellerii). It’s a
    (often) red fish. Not extraordinary, but the male has a long tail which make him recognizable and looks good as a logo/mascot
  10. A sitting panda, chewing a bamboo stick, maybe even sitting on a server
  11. A wolf standing on a hill, looking slightly up to the sky. PicturePicturePicture
  12. Turtle Splashing Water Tattoo – Picture
  13. Koi Fish (Tattoo) – Picture
  14. Asian Water Dragon – Picture
  15. Fish Skeleton – Picture
  16. NO ENTRY
  17. Pirates – Picture
  18. Cow riding motorcycle – Picture

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