
XCP 1.1 Beta Release

The XCP project team would like to let you know that we have released XCP 1.1 beta today. While this is only a minor version bump from XCP 1.0, there are quite a few new features included with this release: * Security updates and bug fixes * IntelliCache: Enables you

XenSummit Abstracts Available

The abstracts for XenSummit North America are now available on the XenSummit portal. Note that early registration ends Monday (registration fee will be raised  to $150 after that). If you are interested in participating in a possible developer meeting on August 4 (the day after the summit)

Xen Summit 2011 Agenda and Speaker Lineup

As you all know, I do not normally write on the blog; any blog for that matter. Lars asked me to announce the XenSummit line-up and how could I say no, given the quality of content and the effort that has gone into this year’s XenSummit. I

XCP on Ubuntu

My name is Mike McClurg, and I am a Citrix developer working on the Xen API (xapi) and the Xen Cloud Platform. I have recently been chosen as the new lead for the XCP project, and there are a few exciting new developments that I’d like to share with

Using XVP to manage XCP 1.0 VMs

This a guest post by Colin Dean, author of XVP, the set of free open source tools for administering VMs running on Xen Cloud Platform and XenServer.  Colin has been writing system level software, especially client-server based tools, for a variety of OS platforms, since the late 1980s.Â

Stackfactory: a Tool for Building Disk Images

This is a guest post by David Noe,  founder of David explains how Stackfactory – the GPL tool used to build images – works and how others may benefit. Stackfactory is a GPL tool used to create filesystems and disk images, complete operating systems ready to run on a Welcomes a New Community Manager
12/20/2010 is pleased and excited to announce that Lars Kurth will be our new Community Manager. Lars has lots of experience helping to organize and promote open source communities, and we’re confident that he’ll make a very positive impact. We asked Lars to provide an introduction of to Host First Xen Hackathon in Cambridge, UK

Calling all Xen developers. A hackathon was announced by Ian Campbell on the Xen devolopers list to be held at Murray Edwards College, Cambridge, UK between March 23-25, 2011. The aim of the event is to give developers the opportunity to meet face to face to discuss

The Xen Cloud Platform (XCP) 1.0 Beta is available from
11/24/2010 is pleased to announce the XCP 1.0 beta release. Download it here: New features since XCP 0.5 include: Xen-3.4.2 Linux-2.6.32 VMPR – VM protection and recovery (scheduled backup of VMs via snapshot/export) XenCenter

XCP Community Call #3

There will be another Xen Cloud Platform (XCP) call this week on Thursday, October 14th. We’ll post an agenda and some slides before the meeting happens. If there is anything anybody particularly wants to discuss, please get in touch! Call details below: Meeting Date:  October 14, 2010 Time:

Project Golden Ratio - August 2010 Data Released

Here is the August 2010 Project Golden Ratio data… GR_StatsAugust2010 Quick highlights for those of you not interested in all the details: * 20,874 views of the Blog * 80.08% Answer rate on xen-users * 171 new users on the three main mailing lists (xen-users/xen-devel/xen-api) * 3,

Fault Tolerance in Xen 4.0 with Remus

In the September 2010 LinuxPro Magazine there is a nice article on Remus and Xen 4. I recommend picking up a copy of this issue to learn more about Xen 4 and Remus.