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Xen Training at LISA 08

The Clarkson University team is once again leading the efforts for a full day of Xen training at Lisa 2008; full profile of the training is here: Lisa event home page at

IBM Announces Open-OVF Project

Announcing the open-ovf project and source code availibility. Hi folks, we are announcing the availibility of source code for the open-ovf project. OVF is a standard packaging format for virtual machines and software appliances. The open-ovf project is seeking contributors and users to help establish OVF as a transparent and

Xen Documentation Assistance Update

I have created a new page on the Xen Wiki where anyone wishing to post change requests to the Xen Documentation can do so: If anyone makes any of these changes, please update the Wiki so people know what has been completed and

Xen Documentation Assistance

I often receive emails asking about the documentation for Xen and wanting to see an upgrade, etc. The latest documentation that I am aware of is at this page: The Xen 3.0 documentation is out of date, as I often get told, and

Xen API Project Update

To Xen API folks: I see that Josh West has added some feature requests to the Wiki (see list below). Also, I have posted some API functions that appear to be not written yet. I have not gotten any feedback so I guess I have a good list. So next

Brandeis University Case Study Published

Brandeis University has been leveraging Xen for the deployment of their PeopleSoft applications. Read about their solution in the newest Case Study at

First Workshop on I/O Virtualization (WIOV '08) December 10–11, 2008, San Diego, CA, USA

First Workshop on I/O Virtualization (WIOV ’08) December 10–11, 2008, San Diego, CA, USA WIOV ’08 will be held in conjunction with the 8th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI ’08), December 8–10, 2008. Overview Over the past decade,

New Project: XenAccess Library

I have posted a new project on the Project page: XenAccess Library. Project Overview: When running multiple domains (or virtual machines) using the Xen hypervisor, this library will allow a privileged domain to view the runtime state of another domain. This technique is known as virtual machine introspection.

Project Zentific

A new Xen management project has just been posted on the Projects Page. The source code will be available soon for anyone interested in working on this project. Screen shots and other information is available at For more information, contact Steven Maresca

IBM Cloud Computing and Xen

IBM just announced they are spending $400 million to create two new data centers for cloud computing research. From the article: “Using a slick combination of off-the-shelf, open-source virtualization technologies (Xen) and their own management (Tivoli), IBM could be well-positioned to open their resources more broadly…”