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Automotive, Security and the Future of the Xen Project at The Xen Project Developer and Design Summit

The Xen Developer and Design Summit schedule is now live! This conference combines the formats of the Xen Project Developer Summits with the Xen Project Hackathons. If you are part of the Xen Project’s community of developers and power users, come join us in Budapest, Hungary, July 11 – 13

Announcing the Windows PV Console Driver

It has long been the case that all HVM guests under Xen are provided with a PV console. You can attach to this console in the same way that you attach to the console of a PV guest, by typing in the control domain: xl console name_of_guest Until

Updates on XSA-213, XSA-214 and XSA-215

Today we released three patches for the following vulnerabilities: XSA-213, XSA-214 and XSA-215. Xen Project follows industry-accepted best practices regarding software security. This includes observing an embargo period, during which time the Xen Project security team will assess, respond, and prepare patches fixing the vulnerability, and distribute them privately to

Download server change for Xen releases

The official way to get the Xen hypervisor and other Xen Project downloads is via the the website. If you get Xen via the links on the website, you do not need to read the rest of this message. We are aware that some users have

Announcing Xen Project 4.9 RC and Test Day Schedule

Today, we created Xen 4.9 RC1 and will release a new release candidate every week, until we declare a release candidate as the final candidate and cut the Xen 4.9 release. We will also hold a Test Day every TUESDAY for the release candidate that was released the

Xen Project 4.8.1 is available

I am pleased to announce the release of Xen 4.8.1. Xen Project Maintenance releases are released in line with our Maintenance Release Policy. We recommend that all users of the 4.8 stable series update to the latest point release. The release is available from its git repository

Q&A with GlobalLogic on the Xen Project and Automotive Virtualization

The Xen Project is commonly used in embedded scenarios due to its security features, light-weight architecture and open source community. These core attributes are now making it more pervasive in the automotive industry, which has similar demands to the embedded industry, especially when it comes to security requirements. To better

Xen Hypervisor to be Rewritten

The hypervisor team has come to the conclusion that using the C programming language, which is 45 years old as of writing, is not a good idea for the long term success of the project. C, without doubt, is ridden with quirks and undefined behaviours. Even the most experienced developers

Xen on ARM interrupt latency

Xen on ARM is becoming more and more widespread in embedded environments. In these contexts, Xen is employed as a single solution to partition the system into multiple domains, fully isolated from each other, and with different levels of trust. Every embedded scenario is different, but many require real-time guarantees.

Now Accepting Submissions for Xen Project Developer and Design Summit 2017

We’re excited to announce that registration and the call for proposals is open for Xen Project Developer and Design Summit 2017, which will be held in Budapest, Hungary from July 11-13, 2017. The Xen Project Developer and Design Summit combines the formats of Xen Project Developer Summits with Xen

Xen Project Maintenance Releases Available (Versions 4.6.5 and 4.7.2)

I am pleased to announce the release of Xen 4.6.5 and 4.7.2. Xen Project Maintenance releases are released in line with our Maintenance Release Policy. We recommend that all users of the 4.6 and 4.7 stable series update to the latest point release. Xen

Xen Project Participates in Google Summer of Code and Outreachy

This is a quick announcement that the Xen Project is again participating in Google Summer of Code (GSoC), a program that awards three-month paid stipends to University students to work on open source projects, with the goal to get open source experience. The Xen Project will also again participate in