Latest (page 15)

ARM hosts Xen Project Hackathon, April 18-19 in Cambridge, UK

I am pleased to announce the next Xen Project Hackathon. The Hackathon will be hosted by ARM in their Cambridge Headquarters from April 18 and 19. I wanted to thank Philippe Robin and Thomas Molgaard from ARM for hosting the Hackathon. ARM designs technology that is at the heart of

Xen Project Starts the New Year with a Bang!

January Features Major Xen Project Activities at Two of the Biggest FOSS Conferences of the Year! The Xen Project is starting 2016 on a high note by sponsoring major events at both the largest community-run FOSS conference in North America (SCALE) and the world (FOSDEM). In addition to a flurry

Future of Xen Project: Video Spotlight Interview with Citrix’s George Dunlap

In this video, George Dunlap Senior Engineer of Citrix explains how and why Citrix works with the Xen Project, why companies use Xen Project Hypervisor, and new opportunities for the future of this technology. Citrix Systems designs, develops and markets technology solutions that enable information technology (IT) services. Citrix has

Xen Project Contributor Training v2

Two weeks ago, I embarked onto a road trip to China with the aim to meet Xen Project users as well as contributors. I visited a number of vendors in Hangzhou and Beijing on this trip. Part of the objective was to give training to new contributors and developers, and

Xen Project 4.7 Planning Opens

With Xen 4.6 released in October, we are already one month into the new cycle. Which means it is time to start planning for the next release. You may remember that one of the goals of the 4.6 release planning was to create smoother developer experience and to

Xen Project 4.5.2 Maintenance Release Available

I am pleased to announce the release of Xen 4.5.2. Xen Project Maintenance releases are released roughly every 4 months, in line with our Maintenance Release Policy. We recommend that all users of the 4.5 stable series update to this point release. Xen 4.5.2 is

Security vs Features

We’ve just released a rather interesting batch of Xen security advisories. This has given rise in some quarters to grumbling around Xen not taking security seriously. I have a longstanding interest in computer security. Nowadays I am a member of the Xen Project Security Team (the team behind security@

Best Quality and Quantity of Contributions in the New Xen Project 4.6 Release

I’m pleased to announce the release of Xen Project Hypervisor 4.6. This release focused on improving code quality, security hardening, enablement of security appliances, and release cycle predictability — this is the most punctual release we have ever had. We had a significant amount of contributions from cloud providers,

Xen Project Virtualization Updated with Improved VMI and Security

The Release Marks The Best Quality and Quantity of Contribution San Francisco, October 13, 2015 — The Xen Project, Collaboration Project hosted at The Linux Foundation, today announced the release of Xen Project 4.6. The new release comes equipped with greater security, improvements to network throughput as well as upgraded

Xen now available in CentOS 7 for ARM64 servers

A little more than a week ago at Linaro Connect SFO15 in Burlingame Jim Perrin of the CentOS project publicly announced the availability of the Xen hypervisor in CentOS 7 for ARM64 (also known as aarch64). Jim and I have been working closely with George Dunlap, maintainer of Xen in

Xen Project Participates in Round 11 of Outreachy

This is a quick reminder that the Xen Project is again participating in Outreachy (Round 11). Please check the round 11 page for more information about the December 2015 to March 2015 round of interships. Outreach Program for Women has been helping women (cis and trans), trans men, and genderqueer

Xen Project Test Day for 4.6 RC4 Scheduled for October 1

Our Fourth (and Possibly Final) 4.6 Release Candidate to be Tested This Thursday Our Xen Project Test Days help insure that upcoming releases are ready for production, beyond what our automated testing through our Test Lab can accomplish. It is particularly important that our users test out the upcoming