Xen 4.3.0 time is approaching and, to make sure we’re delivering the best possible release, we are having another Xen TestDay on Friday, June 28 2013. (RSVP and iCal here). We will be testing Xen 4.3.0-RC6, that will be tagged on Thursday. It will ship
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Today, Citrix announced that XenServer would be fully open sourced and that it will be made available from XenServer.org. First, I wanted to remind everyone that XenServer always has been based on open source software: containing the Xen hypervisor, the Linux kernel, the CentOS Linux distribution and user tools.
The Xen4CentOS6 project is a collaborative effort between the Xen Project, the Citrix Xen development teams, the CentOS Project team, GoDaddy Cloud operations group and RackSpace Hosting to package, deliver and maintain a stable Xen hypervisor and its related tooling for CentOS-6, enabling CentOS-6/x86_64 to be used as
Last week the proposed changes to the security policy were approved unanimously by the Xen committers; the policy has been updated accordingly. What this means is that now if you are “public hosting provider”, “vendor of Xen-based system”, or a “distributor of operating systems with Xen support”, regardless of your
As it is widely know, really tough Open Source users –the ones that wear sandals, colored hats of various kind, and are equipped with long enough UNIX beards— always install software via tarballs and some good old ./configure-make-make-install-fu! Then there are the developers, who couldn’t care less about installing:
This is just a quick reminder of some upcoming changes to the Xen project websites (as originally outlined here). Archiving of xen.org Tomorrow morning GMT, we will be archiving xen.org. This means that the content on xen.org is moved to www-archive.xenproject.org. The site will be
Amazon Web Services, AMD, Bromium, Calxeda, CA Technologies, Cisco, Citrix, Google, Intel, Oracle, Samsung and Verizon affirm commitment to the Xen Project, look to Linux Foundation to provide infrastructure, guidance and collaborative network SAN FRANCISCO {The Linux Foundation Collaboration Summit}, April 15, 2013 – The Linux Foundation, the nonprofit organization dedicated
With the release process for Xen 4.3 in full swing (we intend to release the third release candidate this week) and with the Xen Test Days initiative (the next one is this Wednesday 5 June, join us on IRC freenode #xentest) I thought it would be useful to offer
Announcing the Call For Proposals for two of the biggest events on the Xen Project calendar for this year: Xen Project Users Summit September 18, 2013 at LinuxCon NA in New Orleans, LA Call For Proposals closes July 26 Co-located with LinuxCon North America in  New Orleans, The Xen
Over the next two weeks, there are no less than five great opportunities to hear about the Xen Project. Â These include: The Linux Link Tech Show on May 29, 2013 Xen Project Evangelist Russ Pavlicek will be a guest of The Linux Link Tech Show crew. Â This weekly
After almost a week in Dublin, we’re back with a debrief of the Xen Hackathon. Please note this is from our point of view (Xen Orchestra team) and that we’re not kernel or hypervisor hackers. Google Docks: our place to work We were really impressed by Google’s
I’ve started to work on the Xen on ARM project by trying to get Xen running on the nice little Samsung Chromebook which run an ARM processor with the virtualization extensions. The Chromebook uses Exynos 5250 dual core platform with 2GB of RAM, which could be perfect for a