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ARM hosts Xen Project Hackathon, April 18-19 in Cambridge, UK

I am pleased to announce the next Xen Project Hackathon. The Hackathon will be hosted by ARM in their Cambridge Headquarters from April 18 and 19. I wanted to thank Philippe Robin and Thomas Molgaard from ARM for hosting the Hackathon. ARM designs technology that is at the heart of

Xen Project @ FOSDEM'14: an Event Report

As usual, the first weekend of February (1st & 2nd Feb this year) is FOSDEM weekend. Taking place at “ULB Solbosch Campus, Brussels, Belgium, Europe, Earth”, FOSDEM is the Open Source event of the year. At least for Europe: the website claims that FOSDEM hosts 5,000+ geeks and hackers

2 New Articles on Xen and Virtualization

Virtualization interview with Simon Crosby –,0 Virtualization security discussion –,289142,sid14_gci1354642,00.html#

Virtualization Mini Summit, July 22, 2008 at linuxsymposium 2008

linuxsymposium 2008, Ottawa, Canada, July 23 – July 26, 2008 The intent of the Virtualization MiniSummit is to provide a forum for attendees to explore all aspects of Linux virtualization. Whether that be the underlying technology, application of the technology in their environment or new tools

Xen Books: Running Xen

Prentice Hall has released a sample chapter from the book Running Xen: A Hands-On Guide to the Art of Virtualization at Some of the book’s authors will be leading the Xen workshop at USENIX Technical Conference in Boston and possibly