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Measuring the effectiveness of a scheduler

I’m currently writing a new scheduler, credit2, which I mean to be the general-purpose scheduler for the next generation of Xen, lasting at least several years before needing a significant overhaul. But there are some problems with writing a scheduler: * They’re used in every workload that uses a

XCP Community Meeting Minutes

For those of you unable to attend the XCP Community Meeting – the minutes are now available at If you did attend the meeting, please feel free to edit the wiki page to ensure that all the major issues are addressed.

XCP Community Meeting #2 Tomorrow

Tomorrow is the XCP Community Call which will be dial-up as well as IRC chat, information below: Meeting Date:  July 7, 2010 Time:  2:00 pm UK (London) /9:00 am US EST Location: IRC #xen-api on Freenode Dial-In: 1.888.371.8921  Code: 275279 International Toll

Compiling Xen on Debian

I came across a list of packages that are required to compile the latest version of Xen; simply run this command: apt-get install build-essential zlib1g-dev gawk gettext python-dev libssl-dev libx11-dev mercurial git-core curl ncurses-dev bcc iasl libpci-dev ocaml Thanks to George Dunlap for this information. From Pasi – also check out

Xen Developer Email Discussion

As part of the new emphasis on exposing developer activities to the broader community, I plan to highlight a few xen-devel discussions every week on this blog to allow the community a better view of developer interaction. If you have any thoughts on this new activity please let me know.

XCP Release Candidate 3 Available for Testing

From Dave Scott: The third (final?) release candidate of the Xen Cloud Platform (XCP) version 0.5 is now available for testing from: The changes since the RC2 are: * it should now be possible to upgrade from previous RCs as

XCP Community Meeting #2 Scheduled

On July 7, 2010 the community will be hosting the 2nd Xen Community Meeting to discuss XCP development issues. This meeting will be the follow-up to meeting #1 <>. Details follow: Meeting Date: July 7, 2010 Time: 13:00

Xen Developer Email Discussion

As part of the new emphasis on exposing developer activities to the broader community, I plan to highlight a few xen-devel discussions every week on this blog to allow the community a better view of developer interaction. If you have any thoughts on this new activity please let me know.

Xen Cloud Platform - Request for Comment Submission

As part of the 2010 Annual survey response, I intend to push out more developer related content to the community via this blog… From: Dave Scott Re: Compressing VM Exports by Default In XCP a VM “export” is a serialized VM, including metadata and usually raw disk blocks.

XCP Community Meeting #2 Annoucement

It is time to start thinking about our 2nd XCP meeting for the XCP team.  The last meeting was held on May 25, 2010 at 14:00 UTC. Notes are at  For the next meeting I

Xen 4.0.1 Release Candidate 3 Available for Test

The tag 4.0.1-rc3 has been added to Community Weekly Newsletter Vol 10 No 24

Welcome to the weekly newsletter with a variety of information to keep you updated on all things Xen. Please feel free to contact me with suggestions for the newsletter. Xen News * Annual Community Survey Completed – * Xen