Latest (page 25)

Xen on ARM and the Device Tree vs. ACPI debate

ACPI vs. Device Tree on ARM Some of you may have seen the recent discussions on the linux-arm-kernel mailing list (and others) about the use of ACPI vs DT on the ARM platform. As always LWN have a pretty good summary (currently subscribers only, becomes freely available on 5 December)

RT-Xen: Real-Time Virtualization in Xen

The researchers at Washington University in St. Louis and University of Pennsylvania are pleased to announce, here on this blog, the release of a new and greatly improved version of the RT-Xen project. Recent years have seen increasing demand for supporting real-time systems in virtualized environments (for example, the Xen-ARM

Xen Project Well Represented at SUSECon and openSUSE Summit

What do a chameleon, a panda, and a mouse have in common?  More than you might imagine, unless you were present at SUSECon and the openSUSE Summit at the Walt Disney Coronado Springs resort last week in Florida.  During the week, it was clear that the SUSE chameleon

Xen Project Developer Summit Slides and Videos are Live

Most of the Xen Project Developer Summit Videos and Presentations are now live on I wanted to thank all our speakers and attendees for making this year’s Xen project Developer Summit a success and am looking forward to next year’s event. A few Highlights Will Auld

Xen Project Developer Summit 2013 Videos and Presentations

Talks Welcome & Community Roundup Lars Kurth, Citrix Presentation Video Xen Project Development Update George Dunlap, Citrix Xen 4.3 was the first release with our new “release coordinator” role during the whole development cycle. This talk will review some ways in which the process worked well for 4.3,

Xen Project will co-host FOSDEM'14 Virtualisation and IaaS DevRoom

We are pleased to announce that the Xen Project will co-host a two-day Virtualisation and IaaS DevRoom at FOSDEM’14, alongside Redhat and the Openstack Foundation. Call for Papers: Closes December 1st The Call for Papers for the DevRoom will be open until December 1st. The scope for this devroom

My first Xen Developer Summit: expectations vs reality

Last week I was in Edinburgh to attend my first Xen Project Developer Summit. It turned out quite different from my expectations, so I thought I’d share a bit about my experience. When I first saw the call for participation I wasn’t sure that I had anything sufficiently

Announcing the Release of Xen Project 4.3.1

We are pleased to announce the release of Xen 4.3.1.  The is the latest point release in the Xen 4.3 series of releases. Downloads: This is available immediately from its git repository:;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/stable-4.3

10 years of Xen : Transforming a Dinosaur into a Bird (or winged Panda)

Xen Hypervisor development started at Cambridge University as part of the Xenoserver research project in the late 90’s. The goal of Xenoserver was ambitious: The Xenoserver project is building a public infrastructure for wide-area distributed computing. We envisage a world in which Xenoserver execution platforms will be scattered across

Xen Project to join Round 7 of the Gnome Outreach Program For Women

OPW Poster The Xen Project is pleased to announce that the Xen Project Advisory Board will be sponsoring one intern for Round 7 of the Gnome Outreach Program For Women. The Outreach Program for Women (OPW) internships were inspired in many ways by Google Summer of Code and by how

Fedora 20 Virtualization Test Day Report

So, it was Fedora Virtualization Test Day last Tuesday and I actually went down and took the occasion for some good testing of Xen on the next Fedora release (Fedora 20, codename Heisenbug). Fedora is going to ship Xen 4.3 (and there are not many other mainstream distribution doing

Xen Project User Summit Videos Available

For those community members, who could not attend the Xen Project User Summit in New Orleans, we now published all the videos on our video stream. For your convenience, we also created a portal page that links to all recordings of the user summit. Again, a big Thank You to