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Upcoming Events: Build a Cloud Day, SCaLE 11x, Document Day, Linaro Connect Asia

Build a Cloud Day, February 22, Los Angeles, CA, USA As last year, a Build a Cloud Day will be held at SCaLE 11x, where Joe Brockmeier will give an overview of Xen and XCP. SCaLE 11x, February 23 – 24, Los Angeles, CA, USA will also again be

An Open Source Prodigal Returns

It’s not often in life that you get a chance to do what you love — twice. A few years ago, I was given the opportunity to spend my days working with and talking about Open Source software.  It was exhilarating while it lasted, but after a few years,

Xen 4.3 mid-release roadmap update

At XenSummit in August, I talked about the new planning process that is experimenting with. This is apparently a pretty hot topic, as that presentation on has received over 72,000 views! We’re about half-way through the planned 4.3 development cycle, and while I’

FOSDEM'13 : Personal Impressions

This year’s FOSDEM is now over, and I finally made it back home. FOSDEM was buzzing, there was great content, lots of beer, meeting old friends and makign new friends. The number of attendees was impressive: according to the organizers – all volunteers – more than 5,000 open source enthusiast

Xen automatic test system "osstest"

We do some automatic testing of the Xen hypervisor and tools branches. These tests form the “push gate” between the “staging” branch of xen-unstable (and the stable releases) and the non-staging branches. Changes are committed to non-staging, and if the tests pass, the test system pushes them through to staging.

Using xen-tools on Fedora
01/24/2013 blog already hosted a very nice post by Ian Jackson, greatly explaining how useful xen-tools is for automatically installing Debian (and Debian-derived) VMs. Now, if this all happens on a Debian host, it is nice and easy, as getting xen-tools is just a matter of apt-get install-ing it.

Upcoming Events: Document Day, FOSDEM, FOSSC-OMAN and SCaLE 11x

Xen Document Day: January 28 We have the first Xen document day of 2013 come up next Monday. Xen Document Days are for people who care about Xen Documentation and want to improve it. Everybody who can and wants contribute is welcome to join! All you need is to join

Using valgrind to debug Xen toolstacks

What is Valgrind? Valgrind is a framework for building dynamic analysis tools. Several useful tools are included in the Valgrind distribution including tools to check dynamic memory usage (memcheck), a cache profiler (cachegrind), heap profiler (massif) and thread debugger (helgrind) among others. Valgrind also provides a framework which can be

Mirage Project Proposal for Community Review

The OpenMirage project is seeking to become a hosted project, as defined in the Xen Governance process. To become a hosted project, a project proposal is needed that is first submitted for community review. The review is followed by a vote by eligible community members, which

The Year in Review : A Tale of Things to Come - Part 2

It’s almost 2013! Time to complete our review of 2012. In the first part of this article, we looked at the progress the Xen community made in terms of Governance, Community Diversity, Event Presence and covered cool Xen features that will land in 2013. In this article we will

The Year in Review : A Tale of Things to Come - Part 1

It is the time of the year, when it is worth looking back and assess how we have done. For me, 2012 has been an exciting year with many positive changes in the Xen community. Not everything, I wanted to achieve has been achieved, but all in all we managed