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OPW: The Xen Project Developer Summit

This is a repost from Arianna’s blog, which contains a lot of in-depth technical articles related to the Xen Project. So, about halfway through my OPW internship, I was informed that my wonderful mentor, Konrad Wilk, and Xen Project Community Manager Lars Kurth thought to allow me to attend

Xen Project @ FOSDEM'14: an Event Report

As usual, the first weekend of February (1st & 2nd Feb this year) is FOSDEM weekend. Taking place at “ULB Solbosch Campus, Brussels, Belgium, Europe, Earth”, FOSDEM is the Open Source event of the year. At least for Europe: the website claims that FOSDEM hosts 5,000+ geeks and hackers

Xen Related Talks @ FOSDEM 2014

Going to FOSDEM’14? Well, you want to check out the schedule of the Virtualization & IaaS devroom then, and make sure you do not miss the talks about Xen. There are 4 of them, and they will provide some details about new and interesting usecases for virtualization, like in

Upcoming Events: Document Day, FOSDEM, FOSSC-OMAN and SCaLE 11x

Xen Document Day: January 28 We have the first Xen document day of 2013 come up next Monday. Xen Document Days are for people who care about Xen Documentation and want to improve it. Everybody who can and wants contribute is welcome to join! All you need is to join

Ian Pratt at FOSDEM

Ian Pratt spoke yesterday at the 2008 Free and Open Source Software Developers’ European Meeting. You can read his pre-event interview here and get his slides from the presentation here. I will be adding the link to this posting when Ian’s presentation video is posted on the FOSDEM site.